Knowing exactly when it’s time to opt for dental implants over other forms of dental surgeries can be confusing. Do you really need dental implants? Are there alternative treatments that can be done? Dental implants are typically made from titanium, an exceptionally durable, long-lasting and biocompatible material. When it’s adequately cared for, your dental implant can last a lifetime. When replacing one or more missing teeth, it’s crucial to begin with a stable foundation to support a long term restorative option. Dental implants provide exactly that. They serve as artificial roots for natural-looking tooth replacement options like crowns and fixed prostheses.
Here, we discuss five key reasons to consider dental implants for missing teeth.
1. Dental implants are long-lasting
A top consideration when contemplating your tooth replacement options is durability. If you care for your dental implant properly, it can last for many years and very often, an entire lifetime. Most dental implants are composed of titanium, a durable material that’s not susceptible to wear and tear.
What’s more, implants fuse with your jawbone tissue to provide optimal stability and durability for the restoration.
2. Dental implants feel like your natural teeth
As we’ve just mentioned, dental implants are inserted into your jaw to enable them to fuse with your bone, just like your real teeth. This makes chewing, talking, and living with them feel natural and comfortable.
They also look natural, restoring your confidence in your pearly whites when you smile and talk. The main advantage is they provide the psychological security of having a stable prosthesis during speaking or eating.
3. Teeth implants improve your oral health
A missing tooth compromises your entire jawbone, causing it to deteriorate more rapidly with age (like vertical or horizontal resorption) and triggering other oral health problems with time. Dental implants can help prevent this by providing a foundation for artificial teeth that goes right into your jawbone, keeping it healthy and strong.
Dental implants are easy to clean and maintain through normal brushing and flossing, which adds to the longevity of the prostheses.
4. Implants are an efficient option
The initial cost of dental implants may seem steep compared to other tooth replacement options. However, they are the most durable and long-lasting option, hardly ever needing replacement, saving you money in the long run.
At Novudentics, we believe that the least expensive way to do a treatment is to do it once and dental implants provide this opportunity. Furthermore, they need much less adjustments and post-operative appointments which saves commute time and frustration from the patient.
Summary – The Right Time For Dental Implants
At Novudentics in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, Dr. Serafeim Kallithrakas and our skilled team offer a full scope of restorative dentistry services, including single restorations as well as full mouth implant prostheses, fixed or removable. We specialize in the surgical and the restorative aspect of the implant restorations and we offer personalized care to ensure every treatment is tailored to your specific needs.
We emphasize that dental implants should be performed from highly trained dental professionals with postgraduate training and years of experience due to the possible limitations of the individual patient or potential complications that implant restorations can present with.
Your oral health and general wellness are linked. If your oral health suffers, it can affect your overall health. Poor oral health and oral infections are associated with a range of problematic conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and pneumonia.
Getting dental implants not only restores full functionality to your mouth, it also improves your entire well-being, both physical and psychological. If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants are a fantastic, durable, and natural-looking option to replace them.
Are you considering dental implants? Call 954-756-3572 today to schedule a consultation at Novudentics in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, today. Our skilled team of dental professionals can determine if implants are a good option for you.